
Consensus protocol immutability is a feature

Consensus protocol immutability is a feature

Original Postby Raystonn

Posted on: May 22, 2021 19:55 UTC

In a recent email exchange between Jorge Timón and Raystonn, the topic of making changes to Bitcoin's consensus protocol was discussed.

While Raystonn believes that suggestions for such changes should only be entertained if Bitcoin is completely dead without them, Timón argues that improvements requiring changes to the consensus rules, like relative lock time verify or segwit, have been important for making things like lightning much easier and efficient. He also mentions Taproot, a recent proposal that could help simplify the lightning protocol even further. Timón acknowledges that there have been consensus rule changes since the start of Bitcoin, and users can always oppose new changes. However, if enough users agree with the changes, they can coordinate with each other to adopt them. He suggests that Raystonn read bip99 for more information on consensus rule changes.Raystonn responds by clarifying that his previous email was specifically about hard consensus changes, requiring a hard fork. He believes that Bitcoin's resistance to such changes is a feature that makes it resistant to being coopted and corrupted. He recommends that developers focus on making improvements that do not attempt to change the consensus protocol, as otherwise they are simply working on an altcoin, which is off-topic in the discussion forum.