
Combined summary - BIP352: PSBT support

Combined summary - BIP352: PSBT support

The conversation surrounding the implementation of silent payment outputs within PSBTs (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions) sheds light on existing methodologies and future avenues for augmenting privacy and security in cryptocurrency dealings.

The dialogue commences by examining the process of spending these outputs, suggesting a pragmatic approach through the employment of the PSBT_IN_PROPRIETARY type to incorporate a shared_secret_tweak with the spend public key. This tactic is essential for deriving the adjusted spend private key necessary for transaction signing. Such a method implies the feasibility of immediate application, while the proposition of instating new fields tailored for these operations hints at potential advancements and normalization in the procedure.

On the contrary, the act of sending silent payments introduces more intricate hurdles, mainly due to the interdependencies between inputs and generated outputs and the need for access to specific private keys. A notable advancement in addressing this complexity is presented through a draft BIP (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal) authored by delvingless and andrewtoth, which can be viewed at This proposal advocates for the creation of an OutputGenerator role, dedicated to streamlining the integration of silent payment functionalities into existing systems by minimizing alterations required from other roles. For example, signers would merely need to authenticate a novel field, DLEQ_PROOF, to confirm the accurate generation of outputs without directly interfacing with the generating private keys. Moreover, the proposal explores an innovative mechanism whereby the OutputGenerator might not necessitate direct access to private keys, potentially utilizing an "ECDH share" instead. This concept suggests a cryptographic framework enabling secure collaboration sans full key exposure. Nevertheless, caution is advised regarding this technique's unverified security posture and the associated hazards, particularly concerning the reaction of signing devices to Diffie-Hellman propositions. This underscores the broader discussion on weighing the merits of such sophisticated functionalities against their security ramifications.

In summation, navigating the complexities and security considerations inherent in fully integrating silent payments within PSBTs constitutes a challenging endeavor. However, the collective efforts and suggestions delineated signify considerable progress toward achieving heightened levels of privacy and security in cryptocurrency transactions.

Discussion History

josibake Original Post
May 17, 2024 11:51 UTC
May 19, 2024 17:32 UTC